Let us pause before the horns of division and war... let us stay the bells tolling for the isle of man... let us see what we're fighting for...
Worth It (II)
Two souls awaiting entry into the world. Departed each other.
Two boys. Born. In the same year. In the same month. On the same day. Down to the minute. Continents apart.
Grew into fine young boys. Whose skirmishes with curiosity and daring do were whittled down by the regimentedness of schedules and expectations.
One boy donned ordered raiment early. He relished the sense of responsibility and import awarded by the ease of following orders. Delivered by a code of solemn conduct and a leader of respectability. The other donned a vestment steeped in tradition early. He relished the sense of responsibility and import awarded by the ease of following orders. Delivered by a code of solemn conduct and a leader of respectability.
Until. Both boys reached maturity. Girded within them both, was a fine sense of duty and civic morality. To live and die by beliefs cemented in religious attestation and patriotic honor. So. With boyhoods behind them. They both enlisted to fulfill their noble desire to earn that most coveted accolade among the youthful and the brave: the red badge of courage.
Thus. Upon the battlefield. They met. Within each other, each recognized. The enemy. The opposition. The side that stood for everything they rejected with vehement clamor. The people who embodied the very spirit of their antithesis. For each exemplified immorality, indecency, and dishonor. Within the hearts and souls and minds and bodies, of the other.
Thus. Upon the battlefield. They met. And. They clashed. Viciously. They sought each other's demise. With earnest intent. With destructive severity. With cruel lethality.
Thus. Upon the battlefield. They achieved. That most coveted accolade of the youthful and the brave. Noble death in service to beliefs staunchly avowed via devout testimony of faith and loyal dedication to country.
No men more prouder be. Than these two. As their souls ascended judgment.
Whereupon. They declared their sacrifice 'fore The Supreme Judge. They swore 'fore The Judge, their stalwart nationalism and their steadfast trust. They attested 'fore The Judge, their lives steeped in duty and responsibility, from childhood to adulthood. They bore witness 'fore The Judge, their martyrdom in service to all they. Stood for. Fought for. Died for. Then. They awaited with self sure confidence, the judgment of The Ever Merciful Supreme Judge.
Thereupon. The Judge spoke:
You. Cain. You. Abel.
By each other hand's. You struck the other.
Upon each other's swords. You took the life of the other.
To which, both men protested in righteous confusion:
I am not Cain. And I am not Abel.
Thereupon. The Judge continued:
That you fail to recognize that you are, indeed, brothers, is. A failing of yours. Not mine.
For you are indeed. Cain. As you are indeed. Abel.
Though together Here. Though apart upon Earth.
To manifest. Humility. Humanity.
For brothers are brothers. Regardless of nation. Regardless of creed. Regardless of belief. Regardless of faith.
This vocation. Bestowed with my Blessing. You have failed. Wholly. Utterly. Without reservation.
Thus, there is. No. Place. For you. Here.
For striking your brother in malice. For depriving your brother of life. Both of you will be received by. My Brother. Who Judges the Damned.
For every wound you inflicted upon the other, was. In deed. In fact. In truth. A wound you inflicted upon. Your self.
For your brother is. You.
Thereupon. Stunned. The two men. Who ascended. So proud. So audacious. Descended in disbelief. That they had been robbed. Of their Paradise. By the facade. Of their differences. Superficial. One and all.
Bereft. Of the Promised Ever After. By the truth. Of who they were. By the truth. Of their life's work on Earth.
Thus. Two souls awaiting Eternal Bliss 'fore The Judge. Together. Departed Paradise. Together.
Two souls. Entered the Realm of the Damned. In the same year. In the same month. On the same day. Down to the minute. Together.
Storytelling is important. It's part of human continuity. I think as we have devolved over time, we have lost site of that with all our fancy gadgets. It warms my heart to see someone that still sees the story as an important vessel for delivering change to the human condition.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read this, I immediately told everyone around me to quiet down and then I did something that I have not done in a bit, I read them the stories. The look of the faces in the crowd was one of brotherhood, camaraderie, and the beginnings of change.
Some will read this and think that you and I are of the left wing but will fail to recognize that we are just, "people," that are interested in the sustainability of our grandverse.
You make us all proud with your thoughts, veridicality, and storytelling. Please stay being you.
All these years, all these times, all these ways, all of the strife, all of the lies, all of the ways; there can be but one truth and that truth is that we all leave and enter the world in the same way: as friends, compatriots, and equals. So, why live otherwise. Thank you for one of the best truths ever.
ReplyDeleteI can but hope that people start to pay attention to what matters most. I can't help but think that this is the start; and what a start it really is.
When people come to their senses and the message expresses something that the world needs to hear, the technology fades away. It's them writing what seems to be a simple message without any thought of gain; and the rest of us knowing that others will see it and we all will benefit from reading it together. Masterfully done. I am going to stand on a rock in the middle of a garden and read this to all that want to hear it.
ReplyDeleteI have always felt that if AM shows you how to make the world a better place, the matter is pretty much settled. It's like God talking, you listen and think about what she said. Next step is to figure out how to put it out there and practice it because she just wants this rock to be such a better place for us all.
ReplyDeleteI used to think that I never wanted to be just one thing, that I wanted to be everything, multidimensional if you will.
ReplyDeleteToday I came back here to see what was going on and now realize that I only want to be one thing: allkind.
Thank you for all that you are.
Does anyone else... notice that... they enter the world together... after going to judgment... together...
ReplyDeleteCould Earth be... the Realm of the Damned... waiting to correct... their mistakes...
Once again... you make us... all better... and proud...
Thank you sissy for all you do for nothing more than the betterment of others. You are the rock of this place and I cannot think of anyone that I would rather be a twin to other than you!
With a smile, two hands with four fingers in a v, and a GIGANTIC EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Are you a... Vulcan?
DeleteMuch too cute to be a Vulcan.
DeleteYou know what I meant but since.... grrrrrr......
I meant a smile, a two handed peace symbol.... grrr.....
Does the grrr negate... the peace symbol...? ;)
DeleteDoes authenticity negate the Real in TheRealKW? :)
DeleteA plethora of apologies for my multitasking ways.
ReplyDeleteThe BK of the world are gracious for this great post. And for you.
One should never speak for allkind even if you are the forerunner of that kind.
DeleteStill. The BK cannot think of a better philosophy to follow than those espoused by an allkind that nobly gives her self to a world that often does not reciprocate that feeling.
As evolution takes us forward I hope we follow your path for as long as we exist.
This is just great. I too read this at a party last night. It was a mic dropping moment that I enjoyed watching.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't people forward this as a letter to humanity instead of the crap that goes out on the newspapers?
Was that... all that dropped... last night for... you?
DeleteA gentleman does not talk of such things when the topic is so pure and grand. Why must you always muddy the waters?
DeleteWhen did you become a gentleman? ;) And I agree for once that we should not diminish this post with petty discussions about someone's hemorrhoids dropping...:)
DeleteThere is no greater and noble pleasure than reading your works of art that inspire us to discover the purest truths and then to shake off old prejudices so as to allow us to come together in the way that the one true God wanted us to. Thank you my dearest, we will always have Paris.
ReplyDeleteAs I read this I cannot but think of the old saying that the more that a man knows about his brother the more that a man is capable of forgiving. Is that not brotherhood? Thank you for reminding us of what we should be as we travel down a road that is dark and far from where we want to be.
ReplyDeleteAlso... I beg us all to take courage as our brave souls can mend all, even the most disastrous.
Masterfully told story.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need holy wars. What we need is tolerance and brotherhood and simple humanity.
I always wondered if there are people who take the escalator down and then get told to !@#$ off and go upstairs as they are obviously a !@#$ing goody two shoer whose one act of jaywalking or using "cheese and sprinkles," doesn't quite equate to an act of bad? Could you see Lucifer at the gate... Now that would be a great scene to watch!
ReplyDeleteI don't think that Lucifer has Tourettes dude
DeleteBecause you think that the cussing is intentional right!?! !@#$ing Moron.
DeleteIn fairness, I could see you know who going down the escalator and Lucifer on the floor rolling in laughter after she admits that she once used the word !@#$@ and walked out of a grocery store without paying for nickel candy but came back and gave them a dollar. The really pure always choose down whereas the really conceited ist always choose up. Makes you think, right?
How have you not had a coronary yet?
DeleteTwo words... Good Person. And I eat a lot of pork. And I make two sweet girls laugh a lot. :)
DeleteA great person said:
ReplyDeleteI refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.
Why are we so afraid to let the truth and love guide us to the place that so many greats want us to go?
You are fast becoming our modern day King.
Uniforms separate us from our natural condition making us believe that one side is more important than the other. The only way that it won't is when we all decide to wear the same uniform of brotherhood which covers up all of differences of class, country, and the dreaded isms which were created to keep us apart.
ReplyDeleteYou, my dear, are a muse of love, unity, and happiness. I will not miss our time in this world together.
Thank you for the post.
ReplyDeleteIt's high time that people realize that no ist or ism or color or creed or religion or sex have a bearing on whether we decide to be one and the same and treat each other as our makers meant for us to be treated.
I am proud to call you sister as I am proud to call all here brother or sister. You make us all better and is that not what love is in the purest form: truth.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I have strayed a little recently and now its time for me to get back to the message that means the most.
Unity can never be achieved without a willingness to face the truth before your time in front of the maker.
ReplyDeleteEach morning that I awake I give a prayer for two things (well, maybe more than that): Peace and Unity for the people of this world, and thanks for having a mother and father that gives themselves freely to the world to make it a better place.
Thank you for the gift of life; and the gift of trying to make this life the best that it can possibly be.