What do we do when we find ourselves in a dark abyss... with nowhere to run to... and no one to turn to... after wrecking balls have demolished our lives... and annihilated all that once flourished there?
Is justice the answer?
What if these wrecking balls exercise omnipotent power? The power to create savage games... select extraordinary players... and forcibly compel them to live or die... in arenas rigged for the avarice and amusement of those exempt from the trivialities of mundanities.
Moreover, what if these wrecking balls wear guises of wisdom and friendship and gentility and benevolence... among one and all? How facile sincerity drips from lips laced with belladonna, how vacuous tenderness oozes from hands drenched in venom. Indeed, how better to ensnare the extraordinary, than by the sweetest of honey traps.
Whereupon this wrecking ball systematically destroys every virtue, every shred of decency, and every ounce of caritas... within target zones... selected for utmost avarice, exceptional aggrandizement, and exquisite conceit.
Verily, who can withstand such intentful malice from the wise, the friendly, the genteel, the benevolent, no less? Notwithstanding that all who survive by sheer force of will of life over death, merely live to die in the game.
Yet, bystanders observe -- mesmerized, captivated, intrigued, appalled, horrified -- savageries in mute compliance with the golden rule of bystanding: none shall interfere with The Game.
While brutalized players are relentlessly reindoctrinated into ever more barbaric, sadistic, and depraved games, to be hunted and tortured ever relentlessly... for sport, for amusement, for satiety of boredom... for profit, for fun, for intoxicating risks... within glass houses in view of all... ad infinitum.
Does it matter... if we are players... or we are bystanders? Does the lives of players matter less... if our lives as bystanders are unscathed? When the next player is you... what do you do... after you are captured and recaptured and indoctrinated and reindoctrinated... and still... no one sees?
Is the truth truly so obscure... so invisible... so impossible to discern... that no one sees?
So long as wrecking balls control the game... from creation to extinction... who ponders the question of justice, as to whether or not justice is the answer for wrecking balls that operate beyond all that humankind stands for? For what justice is just for wrecking balls who eschew humanity for soullessness?
Alternatively... what if all of us relinquished the game...?
What would wrecking balls be left with, to annihilate with impunity... if there are no players, no bystanders, no consumers, no financiers? For bystanders are participants who fuel the perversions that satisfy wrecking balls. For there's no avarice seized, no aggrandizement exulted, no conceit relished... in destroying the virtue, the decency, the caritas of extraordinary players... in private, in the dark, in secret. For that which wrecking balls annihilate for amusement and gratification... require... players and bystanders... consumers and financiers... in the only arena that matters to those exempt from the trivialities of mundanities: the shatteringly public glory of the stage that's the world.
Thus, it goes without saying: at what point will the cost of this hedonistic revelry cease to be worth it... to all of us? Because... frankly... it ceased being worth it, to those of us who have paid, for the wanton debauchery of wrecking balls, with our freedom and our lives... an eternity ago.
When will all of us... all of our freedom... all of our lives... be worth saving?
In the interests of clarity, I believe in the execution of justice whereby actions are that which are judged, not labels. Not only are wrecking balls endemic to all labels, no label confers immunity to any label holder, whereby the mere virtue of one's label, renders a label holder blameless with regards to demolishing the lives of others. Thus, justice for wrecking balls is justice for that which is actioned by the act of wrecking, irregardless of label. Period.
Forgiveness and justice are not mutually exclusive. For justice without forgiveness, is merciless and compassionless.
Nevertheless, forgiveness without justice, all too often, devolves into collusion. Whereby, our forgiveness, repudiates and absolves sins that warrant just action. With this caveat: reprisal, retaliation, and retribution are inherently unjust; as such, reprisal, retaliation, and retribution are not just actions.
Rather... that which warrants just action... warrants just action concurrent with forgiveness, mercy, and compassion. For that which warrants just action... that only receives forgiveness, mercy, and compassion... rewards depravity and malice, with impunity and omnipotence. In this manner... we too often collude with wrecking balls... in demolishing lives and annihilating harmony... with nary a fare the well.
Ultimately, the power of wrecking balls, rests entirely within our hands. For without us -- as players, bystanders, consumers, financiers -- agents, rogues, vigilantes, mercenaries -- wrecking balls are inert, with absolutely no intrinsic power to create or extinguish, anything.
So: the imperative to exact just action with forgiveness, mercy, and compassion -- for wrecking balls of every shape and stripe -- is in the hands of all of us.
May our hands be drenched in forgiveness... may our lips be laced with love... may our actions be merciful and compassionate... and just.
- M.
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