Wednesday, May 11, 2016

All's Fair for Ants and Butter

Cake! It's what's for Metaphor!

All's Fair for Ants and Butter

(I) The Ant March

ants on a molehill
we watch them
and wonder at the inanity of worker ants
endlessly marching
on a globe spinning
in a universe vaster than them
by degrees upon degrees upon unfathomable degrees

and we watch
with superior bemusement and sanctimony
as if we are better
endlessly marching
on a globe spinning
in a granverse vaster than us
by degrees upon degrees upon unfathomable degrees

who are we
for surely
we are ants, too


(II) Laughter

laughter is the best medicine
this sickness
this ill misery
this confusion
between what matters
and what doesn't
who matters
and who doesn't

laughter is the best tonic
this poison
this sap zappery
this bewildering
upping of down
and downing of up
truthing of lie
and lying of truth

laughter is real in a land of make fake
laughter is light in a box of dark
laughter is joy in a field of thunder
laughter is effortless in a sea of work

(III) Poetry

poetry is breathing
because breathing is
and I am

are you breathing?

then, where, your poetry?

poetry of motion
poetry of still
poetry of song
poetry of lyric
poetry of form
poetry of function

if you are not creating poetry
are you living?

or are you dead
breathing breaths of
not breathing
living lives of
not living?

be a poet

(IV) Giving

for him
I scale the tallest tower
for her
I seek the rarest flower
for him
I sail the farthest shore
for her
I tend the cliffs of lore
for him
I sing the boldest refrain
for her
I dance twixt drops of rain
for him
my heart is the giving tree
for her
my soul is true and free

(V) Let's Meet in the Middle

butter side up
butter side down
neither one secures the crown

one lump out
two lumps in
neither one nails the win

for right and left
are neither best
nor north nor south
nor east nor west

the middle is
the realm of grey
therein the truth
enlightens the sway

(VI) In Doubt, In Love

daisy petals of love
     will he or won't he
          lie with me

dandelion tufts of ephemeral
     will he or won't he
          heart be'risk

holly berries of ever in breathless blankets
     will he or won't he
          dream a'go

blossoms abloom on dew
     will he or won't he
          renew reborn

in doubt
     will he or won't he



As with Too Turtledove, the poems above are by no means the only compositions that have traipsed across my thoughts of late...

The rest prevail unpublished here, there, and elsewhere... 

ever yours,

a m


  1. Wow! All I can say is absolutely wow! Without a doubt some of the best poetry I have had the pleasure of reading. Thank you!

    1. Agreed. Giving is my favorite although I have to say that they are all my favorites.

  2. They are all.... AMAZING! Seriously, picking a favorite here would be like picking... which sibling I love more.

  3. AlphaCentauriOrBustMay 14, 2016 at 7:46 AM

    You are amazing, I cannot think of a better idol for a growing girl to have in this world than you. With much Northern Love!!!

  4. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 14, 2016 at 7:48 AM

    There are no words in any dictionary to describe the feelings I feel right now after reading this. And to think... these are your least favorite poems... Thank you for sharing this with us!

  5. When it freezes, it's a blizzard. Awesome post and prose! Can't wait to read more as these are uplifting and we will be reading them for weeks to just catch all of the meanings.

  6. Words... For most, they are shallow and meaningless... For you... they are full of love... passion... kindness... generosity... and most of all... hope.

  7. I think he will, and that he does.

  8. My favorite is Poetry. What is every other being's favorite?

    1. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 14, 2016 at 7:56 AM

      Let's avoid picking favorites as it would be like a parent choosing their favorite child.

    2. Yes... Let's avoid picking sides... Wars have started over less...

    3. There you go, straight to Wars. Is it not better to say, "Polite disagreements have started over less?"

    4. Are you sure that you are not like 100 years old?

    5. AlphaCentauriOrBustMay 14, 2016 at 8:00 AM

      Are you sure you are not like 101 years old?

    6. One should never take on twin sisters.... unless.... ;)

    7. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 14, 2016 at 8:03 AM

      Umm... Those two twins are not going to fall for that! And isn't the saying that, "One should not take on twin sisters when their mother and father are children of the Bear..."

    8. Sometimes... you... are... no... fun... :) Is L not keeping the bears fed? ;)

    9. I am just saying... Do you get delivery up there... Ignore the Conventional Wisdom... To not Feed the Bears... I always say... FEED THE BEAR!!!

    10. Dude. Nothing left in the cupboard. And the buffet called to say she is not allowed back.

    11. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 14, 2016 at 8:21 AM

      You should come upstairs... I have something for you....

    12. What a great day to go on a field trip!

    13. Would hate to be in your shoes @ABridgeTooFar.

      Now, seriously... Great poems...

  9. She's bringing Poetry back...
    Them other poets don't know how to act...

    1. That will be stuck in my head all day!

    2. AlphaCentauriOrBustMay 14, 2016 at 8:12 AM

      Should we not call it a comeback,
      She's been here for years,
      Rocking her peers,
      Putting all those suckers in fear!
      She's going to take this itty bitty world by storm,
      And she's just getting warm!

    3. When did you learn to rap? And... your parents... are letting... you listen... to that!?!

    4. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 14, 2016 at 8:14 AM

      Umm.. It's from Happy Feet. So, yes, she can watch it...:)

    5. Not to be specific or anything... but isn't it from Happy Feet 2.

    6. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 14, 2016 at 8:17 AM

      Not to be specific or anything:

      It's a small world after all...
      It's a small world after all...
      It's a small world after all...
      It's a small, small world...


    7. No! Absolutely not! Geneva Conventions!!!

    8. I agree! I am calling foul... and your mother!

  10. No one commented on the beauty of butter side up, butter side down. Seriously?

    1. That's nice... But the ending is best... especially written in chalk...
