Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Why Tax Havens Matter: Let's Connect the Dots

Why should we care where crats store their mattresses stuffed with cash?

In light of continued revelations from the Panama Papers...

Why Tax Havens Matter: Let's Connect the Dots


Making More Sense of the Panama Papers


Money in tax havens -

do not go to governments.

Money that do not go to governments -

by those who can well afford to contribute their modest and fair share -

is required by governments -

to fulfill legal responsibilities - articulated by laws (enacted by votes by politicians) - by politicians who 'the public' voted for.

When governments do not have required funds to fulfill legal responsibilities -

governments default.

When governments default -

governments and societies collapse.


Societies ground to a halt -

because governments fund -

necessary services that societies require to function.

When governments do not provide necessary services (or can not provide necessary services as governments default) -

capitalists seize control.

Capitalists - as single-minded pursuers of profits - (can, do, have, will) restrict access to all services, including necessary services -

to only those who can afford them.


Because - it's easier (and often, more profitable) to sell 1 widget for $1,000,000 each - than 1,000,000 widgets for $1 each.


So - money in tax havens matter -

because money in tax havens -

is one of many reasons why many governments, the world over -

including within the US and the EU -

cannot meet financial obligations to citizens to fund necessary services.

So - in order to not default - these governments -

must balance budgets -

some how - some way.

The most common how and the most common way -

is to reduce budgets for so-called nonessential services.

This results in -

reduced services -

reduced oversight -

reduced spending -

for that which benefit nots.


So-called nonessential services -

are services that politicians agree to reduce budgets for -

not necessarily what citizens agree are nonessential.

Moreover - budgets that are reduced - are rarely accompanied by laws that reduce legal responsibilities of service providers, including Agencies.

So - service providers, including Agencies - are legally required to fulfill legal responsibilities, as articulated and conscribed by politicians who 'the public' voted for -

with budgets that are inadequate to fulfill responsibilities to citizens.

Because -

crats who choose not to contribute their modest and fair share of wealth to governments -

burden governments and citizens -

by not contributing that which citizens who do not put their money in tax havens -

do -

via taxes -

which crats avoid, shirk, dodge -

via tax havens (among other strategies).


Nots who protest the burdensomeness of taxes for crats -

see only their own disgruntlement towards paying taxes, themselves.

Nots who protest the burdensomeness of taxes for crats -

are nots who would use tax havens, themselves, if they possessed the resources to do so -

in order to pay no taxes.

Nots who protest the burdensomeness of taxes for crats -

fail to recognize how the rampant abuse of corporate welfare by crats -

as well as the profligate use of tax havens by crats -

defunds necessary services that societies require to function.

Nots who protest the burdensomeness of taxes for crats - also -

fail to fathom that societies of every individual for every individual's self -

result in intolerable conditions -

for nots.

Because societies of every individual for every individual's self -

benefit crats who can afford tolerable conditions -

while nots who cannot afford tolerable conditions -

inevitably suffer intolerable conditions.


That is.


The masses of nots overtake the paucity of crats.


The cycle that cycles - renews.


Obviously this is an oversimplification of how the dots are connected with regards to why tax havens matter. But even so, as oversimplified as these dots seem, these dots are connected, the world over; one need only see how, now, today.


What is a tax haven?

A tax haven or a tax shelter is a vehicle - by which crats (whose wealth is acquired legally and/or illegally, morally and/or immorally, virtuously and/or corruptly, etc.) - hide and/or launder - money.

(Tax havens and tax shelters are often 'shell companies'. On paper, a 'shell company' is a company. In reality, a 'shell company' is a mattress stuffed with cash.)

When money is hidden - crats are at liberty to lie about it.

When crats lie about how much money they have and where it comes from and where it is -

they avoid, shirk, dodge paying taxes to every institution, agency, locality, country, etc. that legally assesses taxes for citizens.

Moreover -

When money is laundered - crats are at liberty to convert illegitimate money into legitimate money.

When crats convert the legitimacy of money -

legal money can be used for legal and illegal purposes - and - illegal money can be used for illegal and legal purposes.

(Hidden money (i.e. money in tax havens and tax shelters) - funds and is funded by trafficking in arms, drugs, slavery, and exploitation. How is beyond the scope of this post.)

The purpose of transparency - with regards to how much money who has and where it comes from and where it is -

is as much to do with tax evasion -

as to making it as difficult as possible for money

hidden by crats - 

to be used to
traffick in arms, drugs, slavery, and exploitation.

That -

is why tax havens -



The Panama Papers intersects across so many topics, that it is impossible to address all of them, much less address all of them, in exhaustive thorough entiretyin one post -

without losing clarity.

I hope -

that what is sacrificed for clarity in this post -

as well as Legal, Illegal, Crime, Corruption: Let's Connect the Dots or Making Sense of the Panama Papers (4/5/16) -

is redeemed by what is gained.

- a m

Further Reading

more on corporate welfare from The New York TimesThe Real Welfare Cheats (4/14/16)

more on tax havens in America from The Economist, The biggest loophole of all (2/20/16)

more on tax avoidance via offshore banking, including examples from the Panama Papers, from Vox (via YouTube), The Panama Papers, explained with piggy banks (4/5/16)

more on why the Panama Papers matter, including America's disconsonant stance on transparency with regards to offshore banking and shell corporations, from Democracy Now! (via YouTube), Panama Papers' Reporters Explain... (4/5/16)

more on the complexity of offshore banking and invisible financial beneficiaries of shell corporations, from PBS NewsHour (via YouTube), Massive trove of Panama Papers... (4/4/16)



  1. I yearn for the day when all will realize that all we have is each other and start doing things for all kind rather than themselves or a desire to be like someone else.

    1. I wonder sometimes if we are past the point of no return; and envy and jealousy and greed have destroyed the chance to finally become all kind.

    2. I don't think anyone, until their soul leaves their body, is past the point of no return.

    3. I could not... have said... it better... Maybe you two... should collaborate... on a piece... about saving the world.

  2. LifeIsABoxOfChocolatesMay 15, 2016 at 4:01 AM

    I was never one for economics but even I can see how this is bad. Thank you for making it, "simple."

    1. I have to agree.

      Simple, easy to understand, and straight to the point.

      Maybe people will get it this time.

    2. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 15, 2016 at 4:09 AM

      Pieces like this can only help to erode the sciolism and nescience running rampant nowadays. Here's hoping that the population's longanimity is finally running out for these practices.

    3. You two must be sisters as you are both prone to sesquipedalian tendencies.

  3. SifIsLovingNorwayMay 15, 2016 at 4:17 AM

    Our aptitude for language comes from someone that taught us to use all of a language.

    1. This is so simple and direct; there is no fustian about this piece.

    2. I think that you both missed your calling as a dragoman

    3. Maybe... one day... Castles in the Air.

  4. This is beyond grand and an earnest attempt to help people open their eyes to the travesty unfolding in our time by a few people. How I wish that you were my inamorata.

  5. This should be required reading for civics!

    1. And... to think... she's not the... political scientist... in the family.

    2. She knows her onions well, does she not?

  6. ThePiedPiperOfTheNewGenerationMay 15, 2016 at 4:35 AM

    Turn it up! This is music that the world needs to hear.

  7. ABigMindInAShortBodyMay 15, 2016 at 4:42 AM

    Ideas are free! We should all spread this word. Of course media is at best a pawn in the people who are hiding their money; at worst they are willfully complicit.

  8. AlphaCentauriOrBustMay 15, 2016 at 4:44 AM

    Our world may be broken, but I won't give up if you don't.

    1. So... no.. Alpha Centauri for you?

    2. AlphaCentauriOrBustMay 15, 2016 at 4:46 AM

      Like my mother and father before me... I can't let go of the dream and hope; and I won't let go of their dream until it happens.

    3. Me too! It just takes two people to start a movement. And who better than sisters?

    4. Alas, I think that the haters have won and this world is too far gone. The signs are all there.

    5. Haters never win. Negative energy always costs in the end.

    6. DollsCanBeCoolTooMay 15, 2016 at 4:54 AM

      Remember when the fear goes, only the truth remains.

      And when life gets hard, it's time to get brave.

      We are all in the end the soul in the machine and a part of everything.

    7. You both are in good company if you are like your mom. Don't be afraid to dream for the world you want to live in; and to be brave enough to reach for it.

    8. I agree!

      Let us not forget someone else that is the bedrock to us all through his quiet but powerful leadership.

      I wish there was more about him... my father... the man who serves as the example of who I should marry.

    9. A veritable Aragorn that one.

    10. You may... be waiting awhile... for one like... him. They are both... unique.

  9. Thank you for this piece! Never has something so complex been made so simple.

  10. 큰. 슬프게도, 우리 나라는이 문제에 대한 우리의 점유율을 가지고있다.

  11. امرأة يحب القراصنةMay 15, 2016 at 5:10 AM

    لم يكن هناك أميرة أن العالم سيكون أكثر نفخر به.

    1. Everyone loves... the Pirate Fairy... Even Captain Hook.

    2. Once we pass the second star, the world will be our oyster.
