Thursday, November 10, 2016


Aside from hubris - bloating our stature beyond truthful measure -

- our reckoning is - here -

- our reckoning is - now -


Thus shall the blood of fools -

- pump through hearts of hatred - !


Thus shall the sword of the indignant -

- destroy - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber - for hubris and hypocrisy - !


Thus shall crows of war -

- feast on plenty - !


Life and death is the great cycle -

- cycling anew - ad perpetuum -

- what matter - which fools - which indignants -

- sacrifice their lives for lies - !


The era of The Blameless -

- is the era of the contemptible revolting as if noble - !


The era of The Aphotic -

- is the era of the self superior vomiting as if virtuous - !


The era of Devolution -

- is the era of liars pretending to truth -

- to advance greed and me me me - 

- at the expense of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth -

- so help me, myself - !


Thus humility is adulterated -

- into that motto of the corrupt -

- into that credo of the denied -

- into that chant of the narcissist -

- masquerading as champions of freedom and liberty -

- crusaders of mutuus et aequum -

- warriors of vivo et liber -


As if -

- the corrupt - the denied - the narcissist -

- possess beyond infinitesimal - real knowledge - genuine comprehension - sincere appreciation - the truth of freedom and liberty and mutuus and aequum and vivo and liber - 

- that -

- thrives -

- beyond the realm of the self absorbed - the obscene - the malicious - the tyrant -


Freedom and liberty -

- withers and dies -


- 'fore mobs of ignorance - that vigilantly exemplify hatred -

- 'fore pens of war monger - that recklessly amplify misanthropy -

Mutuus et aequum -

- 'fore reductive generalizations - that elevate superfice and artifice over the truth -

- 'fore polarizing rhetoric - that foment war over peace -

Vivo et liber -

- 'fore renunciation of generosity -

- 'fore repudiation of mercy -


For what - ?

- Tyranny of Thought - Oppression of Action -

- choice, decided, side -

mine mine mine -

- the right choice, the right decided, the right side - of - the righteous -

- per my infallibility, per my sacrosanctity - per deem, per ascription - per me me me -


For who - ?

- Despots of every Stride - Tyrants of every Stripe - Autocrats of every Bell every Whistle every Lectern every Platform -

- whose despotism - whose tyranny - whose autocracy -

- is just and legitimate - per the only right choice, the only right decided, the only right side -


At the expense of -

- freedom and liberty - for all -

- mutuus et aequum - for all -

- vivo et liber - for all -


Thus -

- greed - for the few -

- interest - of the few -

- are advanced by side choosers - willfully exploited - by profiteers and stakeholders and props and surrogates -

- like so many pawns on a chess table that adamantly deny the truth - that canon fodder and expendable chaff are conferred not the wherewithal to think and question - for perpetual blindness is that deliberate mutilation of independence and autonomy sacrificed for that greed and interest of the few who rob the many of freedom and liberty with nary a twinge of care -

- now as ever -

See also

- spec. sides, re: unsides and not sides among sides

- spec. addendum, re: mischaracterizations and demonizations



To be immortal -

- is to see patterns where there are patterns -

- cycles when there are cycles -

- because -

- such patterns are ad perpetuum -

- such cycles are ad pepetuum -


Alternatively - to be mortal -

- is to repudiate patterns -

- reject cycles -

- because mortality and aphotism persist in tandem -


Verily -

- to be immortal is to recognize context - nuance - perspective - across great expanses of times and matters -

Whilst -

- to be mortal - is to superembellish self importance - to superaggrandeur self worth - within microscopically infinitesimal fragments of times and matters - per aphotism -


Moreover -

- mortal reliance on continuities of 'science', 'religion', 'history', etc. fail to mitigate, much less eliminate, the influence and havoc of aphotism entrenched within such continuities -

- for such continuities resolutely fail to see aphotism - extant now - as ever -

- despite ostensible missions of such continuities to defy aphotism - presumed unrealized per rampant hubris -


(including that perennially obdurate fiction - that powers that be - have relegated, are relegating, will relegate - mortal kind to 'roles', for example, within 'science', 'religion', 'history', for example - per superfice and artifice - coincidentally endemic and virulent throughout 'histories' of mortal kind, despite 'advancement' of 'evolution' and 'progression' of 'knowledge' -

- verily - it defies logic - that such superfice and artifice would be meaningful to determinations of worth per deem by powers that be whose sensibilities and reason are surely mired not by the unremittingly inane superfice and artifice of mortal kind -)


In any case -

- aphotism sabotages the cause of truth - ever and always -

- and - insofar as mortality and aphotism persist in tandem -

- mortal kind sabotage the cause of truth - ever and always -


Nevertheless -

- to award embellishment of self importance and confer grandeur of self worth - is to legitimize and laud coffins of aphotism -

- but - to renounce aphotism as that prison that facilitates and furthers lies that pretend to truth - is to vivo et liber

- to vivo et liber is to spurn aphotism for the truth of pattern and cycle and context and nuance and perspective -

- including the lie of aphotism, as prevalent now as ever, that the advancement and betterment of one of us, advances and betters all of us -

- verily - no advancement, no betterment - of one kind - is ever - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber for all - for such advancement, such betterment is that tyranny of one kind over all that has obliterated civilities and civilizations for eras upon eras upon eras -

- indeed - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber for all - is - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber for all - without qualification, with reservation - 


- no true champion of freedom and liberty - no true crusader of mutuus et aequum - no true warrior of vivo et liber - extols any motto, credo, chant of such blatantly counterfeit peace as that which is proliferated by tyrants of narcissism and privilege -




Sides and sideists - vigilant against peace reject peace -

Peace as aspiration of all, for all rejects sideism that advances agendas of sideists -


Zealous loyalty, fanatical devotion, militant conviction - to sides -

- endemifies hate -

- justifies war -

- to demise of all -

- for the tyranny of side over all -


Insofar as every side as sideist denies mutuus et aequum of all, vivo et liber of all -

Insofar as every side as sideist rejects mutuus et aequum for all, vivo et liber for all -


NO SIDE - is - OF ALL -

NO SIDE - is - FOR ALL -

Therefore -

NO SIDE - is - JUST -


(Moreover - sides that elevate and/or condemn - any and/or all of us - per moral, intellectual, ideological, etc. differences - (oft elevated as superior or condemned as inferior) - offer - no voice of freedom for no cause of liberty -)


Until -

- all of us choose all of us -

- peace will remain that prop of war - manipulated by stakeholders and profiteers and surrogates - to stoke that flame of sideism that brims with hatred -

Until -

- all of us choose what is real that matters -

- we - the many - will lose what is too precious to surrender - to the few -


Is peace worth so little - that war - that actuation of narcissism - is -

- your choice - your decided - your side - ? 

Is your fellow kind and being kind - worth so little - that death - that unequivocal mortality - is -

- your choice for your fellow kind - your decided for being kind - your side for you - ?


When there is no seat at the table - 

- for peace -

- how is peace achieved - 

- when every seat - is - for sideism -

- when every seat - is - sideist -

- when every seat - is - side at war - ?



  1. The best moves in chess are those that no one sees coming until it is too late - where one thinks one thing is happening but something else entirely is happening. That's much like the life we find ourselves in now - where the few, the greedy, the "Masters of the Planet," are using media, rhetoric, and other methods to create division - a division that we all so willingly want to go along with because they stroke our ego, tug at our heart strings, or inflame our mind. It's only later that we begin to realize that the truth is that we were nothing but mere pawns used to make them wealthier, more powerful, and more amused. It's really time that people begin to open their eyes - and see that none of us benefit from giving away our liberty for sides - none of us benefit from choosing to live apart in ignorance and narcissism fueled by self-interest instead of together - and that no one benefits but them from warring when we should be peacing.

  2. This post reminds me that until people forego hoping, waiting, and praying for change for actual action and choice that humans will continue to experience the effects of war, poverty, hatred, and other false idols that lead towards the very devolution that the film industry is so fixated on glamorizing. The states, governments, and corporations also would rather see devolution over evolution because it fills the coffers, conveys them status, and allows them to exercise powers untold and unchecked over the human population that they are supposed to be making things better for. Remember that these "institutions," have no intention of promoting mutual understanding, peace, and relationships between humans (and nature) as they benefit from (and thus strive) for the atomization and psychic isolation of individuals; otherwise they might just find themselves in a world where truth reigns supreme and things like power, wealth, status, and "likes" are placed lowest to generosity, sharing, equality, and peace.

  3. Immortals... create words.... of meaning... Humans... create words... of chaff...
    Thank you... for the wonderful treatise... on how to become... one... It warms my heart... that you don't give up... otherwise... who would I have worthy... of this game we play... called life... that never... seems to end... as punishment... for caring... for the fodder... that does not care for... the fate of immortals... or even themselves... Without you... I might have... to actually... read the bland... emotionless... works of... others...

  4. People like to believe that "insert label" people were emancipated at different points in history. Immortals and those that study them realize - that only a few humans have enjoyed actual emancipation - and those few were not emancipated - they chose to exit the cycle of devolved humanity.

    For humans to emancipate themselves - they need to refuse to confine themselves to the relations that they bear with sides, with greed, with hatred, with desiring what others have, and - from an individual existence.

    It is only in this choice for emancipation - that each human has to make that we can undo the hypocrisy of the word - humanity- and evolve the human into the true form of what we want to be.

    Otherwise - we will just continue to devolve to the abbies - zombies - and other hateful things that roam the earth - only interested in what they can get for themselves.

    Or - we will just have to wait for the Titans - to come and free humanity - from itself -

  5. A planet takes on the character of its inhabitants; future generations come to take on the characteristics of the planet. Does not Earth deserve a better fate than what we are giving her? Does not our future deserve a planet that is characterized by peace, truth, mutuality, liberty, and beauty? We have a beautiful planet but our humanity is slowly changing her into something that more akin to the darkness of our souls.
