Monday, November 7, 2016

The Illusion of Control

The insidious beauty of the illusion of control -

- is -

The more you believe -

- you possess control -

- over that which you possess no real control over -

The easier you are controlled -

- by -

Accountability Avoiders -

- who conspicuously don appearances of servitude - (towards the public, for example, or, towards the electorate, etc.) -

- while maintaining real control -

- over the easily controlled.

The Illusion of Control

For example - civics -

- or - how government works -


Elected government is composed of lawmakers who write laws -

But -

- if you could write laws that benefited you - wouldn't you -?

And -

- if 'the public' and 'the electorate' - questioned you -

- wouldn't you -

defend such laws by writing scripts (and whatnot) that affirm and testify to 'the public' and 'the electorate' vis a vis the most believable lies conceivable -

- your impeccable servitude, your unparalleled altruism, your unquenchable patriotism -

- guided such laws -

- regardless of the truth of your self interest as your guidance - ?


After all-

- the easily controlled -

- believe lies as easily as the easily controlled eschew questioning false positives and false negatives for the comfort of spoon fed bullshit easily digested by deliberately blind and vigilantly ignorant twits and twats.


Moreover -

- if you could write laws that ensured benefit to you - wouldn't you - ?

Moreover -

- if you were paid to endorse and authorize laws that ensured benefit to you - vis a vis power, wealth, influence, ego, fame, glory, etc. - wouldn't you - ?


After all -

- tit for tat -

- with the highest offices of the land at stake, millions and billions of monetary remuneration at stake, the longest reach across borders of nations and boardrooms of corporations at stake, fame and glory and immemorial perpetuity at stake -

- is far more than enticing -

- it's irresistible -

- and -

- inevitable.


So -

Do you really believe -

- your choice -

- your side -

- your vote - for candidates of political office - verily lawmakers -

- confers upon you -

- control -

- over lawmakers and the laws they write, they endorse, they authorize - ?


In fact -

- candidacies are as paid for as laws written by profiteers disguised as lawmaker drafted proposals of bills and policies and laws - voted upon - by the very lawmakers whose candidacies are paid for by the very profiteers who write such lawsendorsed and authorized by the very lawmakers who depend on the very profiteers, without whose generous financing - candidates for political office wither in the dust of millions and billions expended by campaign war chests fortily intent on ensuring wins for their blatant investments in political props beholden to profiteers.


(If you paid - millions and billions - to finance the candidacies of aspiring lawmakers -

- would you forgive such sacrifices of wealth - as magnanimous favors sans strings attached -?

Or -

- would you expect -

-  tit for tat -

- in exchange for continuing to finance the candidacies of - lawmakers - for whom you paved lavish paths towards election and award of political offices and seats of governance - ?)


Moreover -

- lawmakers not only write, endorse, authorize laws -

- lawmakers also - appoint profiteers -

- to positions of power and influence - including, enacting the highest oversight and regulation across industries, executing the highest diplomacy and negotiation across societies, enforcing the highest law and security of the land, etc. -

Whereby -

- tit for tat -

- with the highest offices of the land at stake, millions and billions of monetary remuneration at stake, the longest reach across borders of nations and boardrooms of corporations at stake, fame and glory and immemorial perpetuity at stake -

- is far more than irresistible -

- it's how power and control -

- is exercised -

- to advantage the powerful at the expense of the easily controlled. 


As for your power - ?

- your vaunted choice -

- your vaunted side -

- your vaunted vote -

that's the illusion sold to the easily controlled.


Ideal governments - are not bad - prima facie -

Because ideal governments - ensure rights and liberties, freedoms and permissions, laws and responsibilities, etc. - per mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. - that abbreviate (vis a vis institutionalization, etc.) complex and mundane contracts between peoples within societies into norms (vis a vis institutionalization, etc.) that are agreed upon by such peoples within such societies - (as well as laws) -

However -

Governments warped and perverted by greed and self interest -

Inexorably - deprive rights and liberties, banish freedoms and permissions, reject laws and responsibilities - per privilege, entitlement, accountability avoidanceblamelessness, etc. -

Until such governments devolve into tools of crats (aristocrats, plutocrats, autocrats, technocrats, etc.) - that crats exploit - to not only further greed and self interest, but to legally evade accountability and responsibility -

Such that - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. - are reduced to fantasies of idealism - rather than advanced and championed as real aspirations of noble societies of e pluribus unum -

- M.



Ideal governments are not necessarily societies of socialism -

As societies of democracies, republics, etc. AND societies of socialism, communism, etc. - have been, are, and will be - warped and perverted by greed and self interest -

So long as greed and self interest - are virtues of peoples and societies -

No government of peoples and societies will ever truly exemplify the noble aspirations of mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. -

- M.

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