Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Totalitarianism 'Fore the Eye of History

Verily -

righteousness is not only rampant -

but treacherously devolving into tyranny of thought and oppression of action  -

'fore the eye of history -

Totalitarianism 'Fore the Eye of History


'My side is RIGHT!' - scream the righteous -

'My side is JUST!' - thunder the sanctimonious -

'My side is MORAL!' - bombast the conceited -


Alas -

The rally above -

Is not enough -

To budge believers - (and hypocrites) -

To sway followers - (and loyalists) -

To convert zealots - (and stupids) -

So -

Rhetoric advances -


'My side is THE ONLY RIGHT side!' - scream the righteous -

'My side is THE ONLY JUST side!' - thunder the sanctimonious -

'My side is THE ONLY MORAL side!' - bombast the conceited -


Alas -

The testimony above -

Is not enough -

To satisfy -

Avarice -

- for total allegiance - to one side - 

- and -

- abject rejection of any avowal to one side - sans total repudiation (and unqualified renunciation) of the other -


So -

Vitriol brims -


'The OTHER is the WRONG side!' - scream the righteous - 'To be OTHER is to BE WRONG!' -

'The OTHER is the UNJUST side!' - thunder the sanctimonious - 'To be OTHER is to BE UNJUST!' -

'The OTHER is the IMMORAL side!' - bombast the conceited - 'To be OTHER is to BE IMMORAL!' -


As if - 

only One choice -

only One decided -

only One side -

Is - Good, Just, Moral -

Because - no other side -

Is - Good, Just, Moral -


(As if - such determinations - by one side - of others - is ever absent of patent agenda to discredit and malign opposition and contest - regardless of actual merit of such 'determinations' -)


As if -

- coherence, compliance, conformity - with side -

- affirms virtuousness -

As if -

- that side choosing is unvirtuous -

- is irrelevant -

As if -

- the truth - (of side choosing) -

- set aside and denied -

- for convenience - for greed - for aspirations of totalitarianism -

- is not wrong, unjust, immoral -


To be -

- Good, Just, Moral -

- is to eschew side choosing for mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc.


Meanwhile - tyranny of thought -

- is that which is rallied by the righteous, the sanctimonious, the conceited -

Meanwhile - oppression of action -

- is that which is testified by the righteous, the sanctimonious, the conceited -


As if -

- scream, thunder, bombast -

- conviction, devotion, loyalty -

- mitigates tyranny and absolves oppression -

As if -

- to blindly surrender - wherewithal and agency -

- in order to cohere, comply, conform - with side -

- is mandatory -

- that -

- to forswear thought and forsake action -

- is imperative - compulsory - obligatory -

- for all -


Whilst -

- to disagree, to dissent, to challenge - sides (and side choosing) -

- is indefensible - treasonous, seditious - subversive to the crusade of righteousness whose autocratic despotism is inalienable and justified - per side -


Until -

- defiance is silenced -

- questioning is censored -

- protest is suppressed -

Until -

- righteousness paves the road to totalitarianism -

- 'fore the all seeing eye of history.


Devolution is inevitable -

Because the righteous, the sanctimonious, the conceited -

Are no less likely to succumb to greed and self interest -

Than the ignoble, the degenerate, the profligate -

For greed and self interest corrupt all who crave more more more for me me me -

Until -

All who stead fast against the greed and the interest of the corrupt -

Are the incorruptible -

Who eschew ayes for history (that are but props wantonly exploited for ego and hubris and fame and perpetuity, as if 'history' ever veers off script to tell the truth) - for mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. for all -

- M.



What idle threat - eye of history - that sees all - but veers never off script -

- for aphotism now is but aphotism then -

- no more cured by advancements of time -

- than scripts now and scripts then -

- tell the truth -

- for 'history' is as false positive and as false negative - as lies pretending to truth -

- (including that lie that the eye of history is not I, I, I masquerading as his, his, his and her, her, her) -

- M.


  1. The ever seeing eye of history reminds me of the ever seeing eye of Sauron which was dark and silent - and an image of malice and hatred that very few could withstand or stand up to except those of the purest heart or the most wicked minds.

  2. I cannot help but marvel at this masterfully written piece. I have nary read such magnificent play on words to highlight all that is ill with our society and culture through a single word such as Eye; or of applying words that rhyme with it.

    Think of it this way. Eye, Aye, I, Ide all can be merged to convey her message that God and future generations are going to not look kindly on a society or time that through passive or active complicity allowed narcissism, greed, gluttony, and aggrandizement to destroy the most noble of virtues and the greater good of all kind leading the devolution of our world into the Dark Ages where the truth and those that tell it are relentlessly persecuted by falsity and those that worship it.

    In the end I can't help but feel that history continues to repeat itself because no one was listening to the truth the last time away. With people like you helping to elevate the truth, I remain hopeful that more people will listen this time than the last and that we might still yet find the utopia where all kind can live in equality and truth.

  3. To free all of us from hatred, sides, and labels - we need to start to free ourselves from the power of words. Great work lass!

  4. Devolution is easy for humans to embrace as it does not require them to change and fulfills their narcissistic and selfish need to place themselves on a pedestal. Its this trait that makes me skeptical that the human race can evolve to an advanced society where ism, ist, and labels are put to the side in favor of the common good. In the end, I believe that it would take something radical to open everyone's eyes to truth that you are telling.

    Still - there are those of us who have faith in your words and will continue to spread the word in the hope that it gets through to the masses. This planet is beautiful and there is so much potential for goodness that to do otherwise would be to give into the darkness, a place that one could not find a beautiful sun such as you.

    1. I have to agree with you brother. I don't think anyone, until their soul leaves their body, is past the point of no return.

  5. The Eyes of History should have taught us that ancient societies had anthropomorphic gods that were huge on pantheons, dynastic drama, martyred heroes, narcissistic individuals, and other stories that were meant to teach future generations of the danger of hubris, narcissism, and aggrandizement. They were meant to educate us on the noble virtues, to teach us the nobility of truth and primacy of humility. Yet, over time the stories have changed, been watered down as less and less of us became interested in the truth, in the richness of the lessons in stories written by Aesop, by Grimms. Now they give us superficial lessons, lessons that are ill equipped to fight the rampant sins that are infesting our humanity, turning our temples of truth and nobility into the crumbling ruins that no one visits anymore. So, how do we reverse this? By embracing the truth, unity, and primacy of humility. Only in that way can the truth truly set us all free.

  6. My father once told me that, "All Humans have immeasurable power. Some greater than others. Yet that power can never be exercised until the human race can look beyond themselves and fight for something that is bigger than each of themselves and that they all can believe in."

    It feels like eons ago - that my father said these words to me. I try - I live each day with these words in my heart, soul, and mind. So you can imagine the pain that it brings me - to watch so many head the opposite direction - more hell bent on filling their lives with superficial things - with lies that make them feel good - and to only associate with those that think like them instead of growing themselves by embracing everyone. I don't give up - even as I get older - as my voice begins to fail me - and I can hear the soft patter of my end coming closer. I so yearn for the time and the day - when your great words - when you passion for peace and truth - will break through that wall thick on narcissism, greed, and selfishness. I know I will be there when that day comes - as it can't be otherwise with someone who is so pure - so kind - and so selfless - whether its in this body or not.

    Thank you as always - you are the inspiration that keeps my heart beating with love - my eyes full of hope and peace - my mind sharp with truth - and my body warm from your grace.

  7. Time cures,
    No wounds.
    Time heals,
    No ills.
    Time removes,
    No Hatreds.
    Time ends,
    No Wars.

    Truth cures,
    All pains.
    Truth heals,
    All Maladies.
    Truth removes,
    All Sides.
    Truth ends,
    All Conflicts.

    People who think that time or sides will heal the chasm that separates us all place their faith on the false idols that will bring ruin to this world and awaken the Titans of old in anger who will adjudicate all humans based on the history as told by the truthful eye.

    Knowing this will come, should we not all put our faith in the truth and idols that we have been taught through antiquity, elevating us all to the greater good that humanity has the potential to reach together?

    I hope. I pray. That people will read this all and cast aside their sides, their isms, and ists for to become one and to make all of your words and all of your work not for naught. I dream of that day not the alternative. Dream with us all...
