Legacy of Greed: The Getaway and The Takeaway
Part III
How is it possible -
that -
the wealthiest citizens of the world and the wealthiest corporate citizens of the world - and - the 1% of the 1% and oligarchs and royalty and potentates -
report earnings and incomes in the millions and billions and report 'net' 'worths' in the millions and billions -
whilst -
societies and economies and governments report 'deficits' and 'debts' in the millions and billions and trillions - ?
It's society's fault - !
Isn't it true that societies squander millions and billions and trillions - ?
Because societies are irresponsible - and wasteful - and stupid - ?
For societies are hardly greater than the sum of us - ! When every last one of us make the whole of the sum of societies - !
No - ?
It's the economy's fault - !
Isn't it true that economies abuse millions and billions and trillions - ?
Because economies are irresponsible with risks - and wasteful with assets - and stupid - ?
For economies are hardly greater than the sum of us - ! When every last one of us make the whole of the sum of economies - !
No - ?
It's the government's fault - !
Isn't it true that governments blow millions and billions and trillions - ?
Because governments are irresponsible with accountability - and wasteful with privileges - and stupid - ?
For governments are hardly greater than the sum of us - ! When every last one of us make the whole of the sum of governments - !
No - ?
Uhm -
if -
every last one of us - make - the whole of the sum of societies - the whole of the sum of economies - the whole of the sum of governments -
then -
how is it possible -
that -
whilst - societies and economies and governments - 'net' - millions and billions and trillions - in 'shortfalls' and 'debts' -
the wealthiest citizens of the world and the wealthiest corporate citizens of the world - and - the 1% of the 1% and oligarchs and royalty and potentates -
{who are part and parcel of - the whole of the sum of our societies - the whole of the sum of our economies - the whole of the sum of our governments}
report - 'nets' - in the tens of hundreds of millions and billions - ?
If -
the fault and the blame of the legacy of greed is -
society's - ! the economy's - ! the government's - ! and -
If -
every society and every economy and every government is made of every last one of us -
Then -
who owns the fault and who owns the blame of the legacy of greed - ?
Not I - ! protest the wealthiest citizens of the world and the wealthiest corporate citizens of the world - !
Not I - ! object the 1% of the 1% and oligarchs and royalty and potentates - !
Not I - ! clamor societies - !
Not I - ! defy economies - !
Not I - ! wail governments - !
Not I Not I Not I - ! whine every last one of us - !
continued from Legacy of Greed: Let's Connect the Dots or Why Paradise Papers - Matter - Now (tvfs) and Legacy of Greed: Paying for Paradise or Let's Connect the Dots Part II (tvfs)
see also (Testament of) Act (tvfs)
Nota Benedicta
Whosoever exercises the power of free will, shall also pay the price - !
Is not fault and blame worth freedom - ?!
Or is slavery the paradise worth paying for - ?!
Then - ! Embrace slavery - ! And - ! Pay the price of acts that wrong - !
The Pen and The Testament