Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Present : The Truth

How did we end up here?

The same way 'we end up here'... every year...

... by never leaving here.


It is not I... who celebrates a lie.

Does that... not account for something?

That none of you celebrate the same lie... 

... accounts for nothing...

... for the lies that all of you celebrate...

... are still lies.


I know the truth. My eyes are open.

Surely... I am more enlightened than my fellow kind?

That you believe your ignorance to be inviolable knowledge... 

... is hubris...

... the same hubris you attribute to your fellow kind...

... while you attribute to your self...

... the lie of your superiority and infallible authority.


I know the truth.

My truth is the truth.

Therefore, your 'truth' is the lie.

Thus lie believers... 

... believe lies...

... without ever regarding... 

... the truth.

Thus no truth... 

... shatters the stronghold of lie believers...

... who testify lies lies lies.


You are the liar.

It is you who testifies lies.

Is it...?

Still... you wonder...

... how we end up here.


You can not prove your 'truth' to be true.

Therefore, your 'truth' is not true.

Proofs of truths that are fortresses of ignorance...

... prove nothing.


We end up here...

... because liars like you...

... poison the ignorant against the enlightened.

We end up here...

... because the lies you believe...

... are still lies...

... including...

... the lie that believing oneself enlightened...

... proves oneself enlightened...

... thereby entitling oneself to Thrones of Honor and Titles of Virtue.


In the end...

... we end up here...

... because celebrating lies... is socially rewarding...

... because hubris... is personally satisfying...

... because me me me... is who I, I, I believe...

... because proofs... that we invent to exploit... are tools of the trade that legitimize beliefs that regard not the truth...

... because never leaving here... means never repudiating, never denying, never surrendering... our strongholds of lie believers, our fortresses of ignorance, our entitlements to thrones and titles, our lies lies lies...

... that gratify our pride, our vanity, our hatred, our lust for more more more at the expense of every virtue, every honor, and...

... the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.



There is no present... more worthy as a gift... than the truth...

There is no present... more worthy of the truth... than now...

- M



Enlightenment and ignorance are lenses through which the enlightened legitimize their entitlement to thrones and titles. 


Verily... such lenses blind the enlightened to the truth...

... that the pride, the vanity, the hatred, the lust... deplored and condemned as rampant vices of the ignorant...

... also prospers virulently amidst the enlightened.


... what else... but this very pride, this very vanity, this very hatred, this very lust... fuels the illegitimacy of entitlements per lenses?

Regardless of lens...

... the enlightened are no more entitled to thrones and titles, than the ignorant are entitled to poverty and disempowerment.


Likewise... enlightenment and ignorance are lenses through which the ignorant legitimize their repudiation and denial of all beliefs but their own.


Verily... such lenses blind the ignorant to the truth...

... that errors of reason, errors of knowledge, errors of belief... ridiculed and scorned as vacuous bombasts of the enlightened...

... also proliferate virulently amidst the ignorant.


... what else... but this very error of reason, this very error of knowledge, this very error of belief... fuels the illegitimacy of repudiation and denial of beliefs per beliefs?

Regardless of belief...

... the ignorant are no more entitled to pedestals of loyal zealotry, than the enlightened are entitled to lecterns of wanton contempt.



Monday, December 12, 2016

The Giving Holly

In the most barren and desolate winter... is there any embodiment of giving more wholesome than the humble holly... ?


On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... lying liars...

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... incompetent know nothings...

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... hatred filled hearts of egos risen...

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... entitlement wielding snivelers...

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... vengeance against virtuosity...

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... vanity fueled self conceit...

On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... hubristic self superiority...

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... fictions wearing guises of genuity...

On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... jealousy putrefying miser maggots...

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... circuses of frauds never ending...


On the first day of Christmas, I gave my true love... the truth...

On the second day of Christmas, I gave my true love... virtue...

On the third day of Christmas, I gave my true love... nobility...

On the fourth day of Christmas, I gave my true love... honor...

On the fifth day of Christmas, I gave my true love... the sword...

On the sixth day of Christmas, I gave my true love... the mirror...

On the seventh day of Christmas, I gave my true love... humility...

On the eighth day of Christmas, I gave my true love... the pen...

On the ninth day of Christmas, I gave my true love... generosity...

On the tenth day of Christmas, I gave my true love... forgiveness...



... humans near and humans far...

... what are you giving your fellow man whom you so love as your brother... ?

... what are you giving your true love whom you so love as your self... ?



Challah is Free... in the time of labor thankless, toil ceaseless... Holly is Ever... in the season of certain death and unbroken darkness... Holy is Sanctity... in the wake of relentless greed and piteous misery... Whole is Hale... in the care of shameless healers testifying snake oil remedies... Wholly is All... in the language of poets and pretenders... Hole is Pitch... in the fear of lost wanderers... Holey is Wanting... in the age of egos risen and truths fallen... Holler is Hail... in the vocance of the found...

... free... ever... sanctity... hale... all... pitch... wanting... hail...

... in the time of labor thankless, toil ceaseless... in the season of certain death and unbroken darkness... in the wake of relentless greed and piteous misery... in the care of shameless healers testifying snake oil remedies... in the language of poets and pretenders... in the fear of lost wanderers... in the age of egos risen and truths fallen... in the vocance of the found...

... Happy Holidays One and All.

- M

Friday, November 11, 2016

How To Human


How To War

Step 1:

convince - whomever - to fear - whatever -

Step 2:

let fear - rampant and unfettered - thrive -


Buttress Step 1:

legitimize - elevate as superiorest reason - glorify as idolest extraordinaire - commend, laud, esteem as adulatory and grandest -
'whosoever' advances fear and 'whatsoever' advances terror -

Scaffold Step 2:

malign - vilify - crucify - 'whosoever' civilizes and advances peace (for all) - 
discredit - destroy - nullify - 'whatsoever' calms and advances (the whole) truth -

How To Human


I am a woman - borne from union of man and woman -

- and I am not afraid.

I am of ancestry of mountains and desserts - far from where I here -

- and I am not afraid.

My blood courses through hearts upon thrones - near and far -

- and I am not afraid.

Tears shed in anguish - nourish river beds of poverty - mine and yours -

- and I am not afraid.

I am religions - past and future -

- and I am not afraid.

I am sexualities - beyond polarities -

- and I am not afraid.

I am -

- and I am not afraid.


For fear enslaves us all -

For fear imprisons us all -

For fear immolates us all -


Only -

If -

We empower fear to enslave us -

We empower fear to imprison us -

We empower fear to immolate us -


Until -

Our liaison with terror - lustful and torrid - satisfies us no more -

Until -

Humanity - is worth succoring -


How to human -

and -

How to war -

will be -

One -


How To War How To Human


Leonard Cohen You Want It Darker (official @ vevo @ youtube)

Shinedown How Did You Love (official @ youtube)

Frenship 1000 Nights (official @ vevo @ youtube)


for the immortal

death is transitory

here to there


back again


for the mortal



the end of here and now

all that mattered

all that didn't

all that

never will

ever more


vivo semper liber perpetuum

- M.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Aside from hubris - bloating our stature beyond truthful measure -

- our reckoning is - here -

- our reckoning is - now -


Thus shall the blood of fools -

- pump through hearts of hatred - !


Thus shall the sword of the indignant -

- destroy - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber - for hubris and hypocrisy - !


Thus shall crows of war -

- feast on plenty - !


Life and death is the great cycle -

- cycling anew - ad perpetuum -

- what matter - which fools - which indignants -

- sacrifice their lives for lies - !


The era of The Blameless -

- is the era of the contemptible revolting as if noble - !


The era of The Aphotic -

- is the era of the self superior vomiting as if virtuous - !


The era of Devolution -

- is the era of liars pretending to truth -

- to advance greed and me me me - 

- at the expense of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth -

- so help me, myself - !


Thus humility is adulterated -

- into that motto of the corrupt -

- into that credo of the denied -

- into that chant of the narcissist -

- masquerading as champions of freedom and liberty -

- crusaders of mutuus et aequum -

- warriors of vivo et liber -


As if -

- the corrupt - the denied - the narcissist -

- possess beyond infinitesimal - real knowledge - genuine comprehension - sincere appreciation - the truth of freedom and liberty and mutuus and aequum and vivo and liber - 

- that -

- thrives -

- beyond the realm of the self absorbed - the obscene - the malicious - the tyrant -


Freedom and liberty -

- withers and dies -


- 'fore mobs of ignorance - that vigilantly exemplify hatred -

- 'fore pens of war monger - that recklessly amplify misanthropy -

Mutuus et aequum -

- 'fore reductive generalizations - that elevate superfice and artifice over the truth -

- 'fore polarizing rhetoric - that foment war over peace -

Vivo et liber -

- 'fore renunciation of generosity -

- 'fore repudiation of mercy -


For what - ?

- Tyranny of Thought - Oppression of Action -

- choice, decided, side -

mine mine mine -

- the right choice, the right decided, the right side - of - the righteous -

- per my infallibility, per my sacrosanctity - per deem, per ascription - per me me me -


For who - ?

- Despots of every Stride - Tyrants of every Stripe - Autocrats of every Bell every Whistle every Lectern every Platform -

- whose despotism - whose tyranny - whose autocracy -

- is just and legitimate - per the only right choice, the only right decided, the only right side -


At the expense of -

- freedom and liberty - for all -

- mutuus et aequum - for all -

- vivo et liber - for all -


Thus -

- greed - for the few -

- interest - of the few -

- are advanced by side choosers - willfully exploited - by profiteers and stakeholders and props and surrogates -

- like so many pawns on a chess table that adamantly deny the truth - that canon fodder and expendable chaff are conferred not the wherewithal to think and question - for perpetual blindness is that deliberate mutilation of independence and autonomy sacrificed for that greed and interest of the few who rob the many of freedom and liberty with nary a twinge of care -

- now as ever -

See also

- spec. sides, re: unsides and not sides among sides

- spec. addendum, re: mischaracterizations and demonizations



To be immortal -

- is to see patterns where there are patterns -

- cycles when there are cycles -

- because -

- such patterns are ad perpetuum -

- such cycles are ad pepetuum -


Alternatively - to be mortal -

- is to repudiate patterns -

- reject cycles -

- because mortality and aphotism persist in tandem -


Verily -

- to be immortal is to recognize context - nuance - perspective - across great expanses of times and matters -

Whilst -

- to be mortal - is to superembellish self importance - to superaggrandeur self worth - within microscopically infinitesimal fragments of times and matters - per aphotism -


Moreover -

- mortal reliance on continuities of 'science', 'religion', 'history', etc. fail to mitigate, much less eliminate, the influence and havoc of aphotism entrenched within such continuities -

- for such continuities resolutely fail to see aphotism - extant now - as ever -

- despite ostensible missions of such continuities to defy aphotism - presumed unrealized per rampant hubris -


(including that perennially obdurate fiction - that powers that be - have relegated, are relegating, will relegate - mortal kind to 'roles', for example, within 'science', 'religion', 'history', for example - per superfice and artifice - coincidentally endemic and virulent throughout 'histories' of mortal kind, despite 'advancement' of 'evolution' and 'progression' of 'knowledge' -

- verily - it defies logic - that such superfice and artifice would be meaningful to determinations of worth per deem by powers that be whose sensibilities and reason are surely mired not by the unremittingly inane superfice and artifice of mortal kind -)


In any case -

- aphotism sabotages the cause of truth - ever and always -

- and - insofar as mortality and aphotism persist in tandem -

- mortal kind sabotage the cause of truth - ever and always -


Nevertheless -

- to award embellishment of self importance and confer grandeur of self worth - is to legitimize and laud coffins of aphotism -

- but - to renounce aphotism as that prison that facilitates and furthers lies that pretend to truth - is to vivo et liber

- to vivo et liber is to spurn aphotism for the truth of pattern and cycle and context and nuance and perspective -

- including the lie of aphotism, as prevalent now as ever, that the advancement and betterment of one of us, advances and betters all of us -

- verily - no advancement, no betterment - of one kind - is ever - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber for all - for such advancement, such betterment is that tyranny of one kind over all that has obliterated civilities and civilizations for eras upon eras upon eras -

- indeed - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber for all - is - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber for all - without qualification, with reservation - 


- no true champion of freedom and liberty - no true crusader of mutuus et aequum - no true warrior of vivo et liber - extols any motto, credo, chant of such blatantly counterfeit peace as that which is proliferated by tyrants of narcissism and privilege -




Sides and sideists - vigilant against peace reject peace -

Peace as aspiration of all, for all rejects sideism that advances agendas of sideists -


Zealous loyalty, fanatical devotion, militant conviction - to sides -

- endemifies hate -

- justifies war -

- to demise of all -

- for the tyranny of side over all -


Insofar as every side as sideist denies mutuus et aequum of all, vivo et liber of all -

Insofar as every side as sideist rejects mutuus et aequum for all, vivo et liber for all -


NO SIDE - is - OF ALL -

NO SIDE - is - FOR ALL -

Therefore -

NO SIDE - is - JUST -


(Moreover - sides that elevate and/or condemn - any and/or all of us - per moral, intellectual, ideological, etc. differences - (oft elevated as superior or condemned as inferior) - offer - no voice of freedom for no cause of liberty -)


Until -

- all of us choose all of us -

- peace will remain that prop of war - manipulated by stakeholders and profiteers and surrogates - to stoke that flame of sideism that brims with hatred -

Until -

- all of us choose what is real that matters -

- we - the many - will lose what is too precious to surrender - to the few -


Is peace worth so little - that war - that actuation of narcissism - is -

- your choice - your decided - your side - ? 

Is your fellow kind and being kind - worth so little - that death - that unequivocal mortality - is -

- your choice for your fellow kind - your decided for being kind - your side for you - ?


When there is no seat at the table - 

- for peace -

- how is peace achieved - 

- when every seat - is - for sideism -

- when every seat - is - sideist -

- when every seat - is - side at war - ?


Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Oh no!

- cry believers while hypocrites cheer -


- shriek followers while loyalists exult -

What happened?!

- wail zealots while stupids triumph -


As if -

- we are believers and others are hypocrites -

- we are followers and others are loyalists -

- we are zealots and others are stupids -


As if -

- we are faultless -

- we are blameless -

- because -

our side is faultless -

- our side is blameless -

Whilst -

- others are at irrefutable fault -

- others are indisputably responsible -

- for -

- nothing less than the demise of all -


After all -

- our gender, our income, our religion, our education, our melanin -

- is superior -

- to their inferior gender, their inferior income, their inferior religion, their inferior education, their inferior melanin -

- that merit not -

- that uplift, that elevation, that advancement of us above all - so special, so extraordinary, so deserving are we - of unearned privilege, unearned entitlement, unearned advantage - nay - counterfeit legitimacy won by merciless pursuit of greed and self interest - at the expense of mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. for all -


After all -

- our choice, our decided, our side -

- is right -

- their choice, their decided, their side -

- is wrong -


And -

- is it not true -

- that though no one of us is infallible -

- believing -

- this truth is not true -

- makes believing this lie - right, just, moral - ?


So -

- we determine and judge - the truths of others - per - the lie of our infallibility -

Until -

- that brush with which we paint others -

- devolves into that brush we resent - bitterly, hatefully -

- applied to us - to paint us -

- with swaths of ignorance, intolerance, determinism - that justify such judging of books by covers - such judging of us (per superfice, per artifice) as inexorably, as facilely, as infallibly as others are judged by us -

- as just -


As if -

- categories of determinism - are unequivocal and true -

- because such categories are -


As if -

- arbitrary, nay superficial labels, boxes - are valid, nay veracious - as reductive prisons of ignorance masquerading as legitimate 'sciences' of 'facts' and sanctified 'religions' of 'truths' -

- per make believe imaginary infallibility -


As if -

- hypocrisy is defensible -

- per our righteousness, our sanctimony, our conceit - our indignation -


For -

our cry, our shriek, our wail -

- are profound expressions of our conviction, our devotion, our loyalty -

- to -

our totalitarianism - our autocracy - our ruthless determinism -

- in the name of the only heroes in our stories, his stories, her stories - that matter -

- me me me -


Oh how the brush is painting reality - !

Until -

- belief is transformed to fact - !

- hocus pocus is transformed to science - !

- lie is transformed to history - !

Oh how aphotism rampant - thrives upon greed and ignorance - !

Until -

- yesterday suits the script of greed -

- and -

- tomorrow suits the script of ignorance -

- and -

- today is our descent into the pitch of the Era of The Blameless - !

Oh how the brush is painting us

- with lies of determinism masquerading as truths that are but prisons of our own making - !

- M.




Think - before you blindly believe the bullshit being spread like so much butter -

- much less the fear -

- the helplessness -

- the powerlessness -

- the rage -

- that serve agendas of greed and ignorance - now as ever -

- for crows who feast on war - leave not their fattening and profiteering - to chance -


Think -

- lest you forswear thought and forsake action -

- and surrender -

- to lies pretending to truth -


Descent - is a fact of life -

Dissent - is a fact of truth -


Challenge - Question - Doubt -

- the incontestable - the irrefutable - the indisputable -


(Bearing in mind that - dissent and challenge - sans meaning - is - zealotry and stupidity sans worth - for blind 'revolution' is no less lie than pretense of humility -)


Obfuscations -

- so stupefyingly staged - by stakeholders and props and liars extaordinaire of Pretzel Land and beyond -

- are no less lies - now as ever -

- than -

- profiteers pretending to serve as lawmakers

- lawmakers pretending to genuine as props

- props pretending to expertise as omniscient

- omniscient pretending to unerr as human

- (and so on and so forth, ad perpetuum) -

- are selling all of us - that future stitched with that Emperor's New Thread - (that differs naught from that other New Thread spun from that other Emperor's promises, promises, promises) -

- that - so vile, so reprehensible, so despicable - yesterday -

- is - admirable, laudable, sacrosanct today -

- by surreal virtue of nothing more than that deliberate aphotism and that vigilant ignorance that no more transforms bullshit into truth than the corrupt into the incorruptible -


(Verily - despots racing to win - no more instantaneously and miraculously evolve - into estimable exemplars of honor - by mere virtue of winning - than magnanimous exemplars of grace - by sheer result of losing

- for despots rarely eschew wolfdom for sheepdom - except as pretense for ego and hubris keen to advance greed and self interest at the expense of integrity and shame -)

- M.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Totalitarianism 'Fore the Eye of History

Verily -

righteousness is not only rampant -

but treacherously devolving into tyranny of thought and oppression of action  -

'fore the eye of history -

Totalitarianism 'Fore the Eye of History


'My side is RIGHT!' - scream the righteous -

'My side is JUST!' - thunder the sanctimonious -

'My side is MORAL!' - bombast the conceited -


Alas -

The rally above -

Is not enough -

To budge believers - (and hypocrites) -

To sway followers - (and loyalists) -

To convert zealots - (and stupids) -

So -

Rhetoric advances -


'My side is THE ONLY RIGHT side!' - scream the righteous -

'My side is THE ONLY JUST side!' - thunder the sanctimonious -

'My side is THE ONLY MORAL side!' - bombast the conceited -


Alas -

The testimony above -

Is not enough -

To satisfy -

Avarice -

- for total allegiance - to one side - 

- and -

- abject rejection of any avowal to one side - sans total repudiation (and unqualified renunciation) of the other -


So -

Vitriol brims -


'The OTHER is the WRONG side!' - scream the righteous - 'To be OTHER is to BE WRONG!' -

'The OTHER is the UNJUST side!' - thunder the sanctimonious - 'To be OTHER is to BE UNJUST!' -

'The OTHER is the IMMORAL side!' - bombast the conceited - 'To be OTHER is to BE IMMORAL!' -


As if - 

only One choice -

only One decided -

only One side -

Is - Good, Just, Moral -

Because - no other side -

Is - Good, Just, Moral -


(As if - such determinations - by one side - of others - is ever absent of patent agenda to discredit and malign opposition and contest - regardless of actual merit of such 'determinations' -)


As if -

- coherence, compliance, conformity - with side -

- affirms virtuousness -

As if -

- that side choosing is unvirtuous -

- is irrelevant -

As if -

- the truth - (of side choosing) -

- set aside and denied -

- for convenience - for greed - for aspirations of totalitarianism -

- is not wrong, unjust, immoral -


To be -

- Good, Just, Moral -

- is to eschew side choosing for mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc.


Meanwhile - tyranny of thought -

- is that which is rallied by the righteous, the sanctimonious, the conceited -

Meanwhile - oppression of action -

- is that which is testified by the righteous, the sanctimonious, the conceited -


As if -

- scream, thunder, bombast -

- conviction, devotion, loyalty -

- mitigates tyranny and absolves oppression -

As if -

- to blindly surrender - wherewithal and agency -

- in order to cohere, comply, conform - with side -

- is mandatory -

- that -

- to forswear thought and forsake action -

- is imperative - compulsory - obligatory -

- for all -


Whilst -

- to disagree, to dissent, to challenge - sides (and side choosing) -

- is indefensible - treasonous, seditious - subversive to the crusade of righteousness whose autocratic despotism is inalienable and justified - per side -


Until -

- defiance is silenced -

- questioning is censored -

- protest is suppressed -

Until -

- righteousness paves the road to totalitarianism -

- 'fore the all seeing eye of history.


Devolution is inevitable -

Because the righteous, the sanctimonious, the conceited -

Are no less likely to succumb to greed and self interest -

Than the ignoble, the degenerate, the profligate -

For greed and self interest corrupt all who crave more more more for me me me -

Until -

All who stead fast against the greed and the interest of the corrupt -

Are the incorruptible -

Who eschew ayes for history (that are but props wantonly exploited for ego and hubris and fame and perpetuity, as if 'history' ever veers off script to tell the truth) - for mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. for all -

- M.



What idle threat - eye of history - that sees all - but veers never off script -

- for aphotism now is but aphotism then -

- no more cured by advancements of time -

- than scripts now and scripts then -

- tell the truth -

- for 'history' is as false positive and as false negative - as lies pretending to truth -

- (including that lie that the eye of history is not I, I, I masquerading as his, his, his and her, her, her) -

- M.

Monday, November 7, 2016

The Illusion of Control

The insidious beauty of the illusion of control -

- is -

The more you believe -

- you possess control -

- over that which you possess no real control over -

The easier you are controlled -

- by -

Accountability Avoiders -

- who conspicuously don appearances of servitude - (towards the public, for example, or, towards the electorate, etc.) -

- while maintaining real control -

- over the easily controlled.

The Illusion of Control

For example - civics -

- or - how government works -


Elected government is composed of lawmakers who write laws -

But -

- if you could write laws that benefited you - wouldn't you -?

And -

- if 'the public' and 'the electorate' - questioned you -

- wouldn't you -

defend such laws by writing scripts (and whatnot) that affirm and testify to 'the public' and 'the electorate' vis a vis the most believable lies conceivable -

- your impeccable servitude, your unparalleled altruism, your unquenchable patriotism -

- guided such laws -

- regardless of the truth of your self interest as your guidance - ?


After all-

- the easily controlled -

- believe lies as easily as the easily controlled eschew questioning false positives and false negatives for the comfort of spoon fed bullshit easily digested by deliberately blind and vigilantly ignorant twits and twats.


Moreover -

- if you could write laws that ensured benefit to you - wouldn't you - ?

Moreover -

- if you were paid to endorse and authorize laws that ensured benefit to you - vis a vis power, wealth, influence, ego, fame, glory, etc. - wouldn't you - ?


After all -

- tit for tat -

- with the highest offices of the land at stake, millions and billions of monetary remuneration at stake, the longest reach across borders of nations and boardrooms of corporations at stake, fame and glory and immemorial perpetuity at stake -

- is far more than enticing -

- it's irresistible -

- and -

- inevitable.


So -

Do you really believe -

- your choice -

- your side -

- your vote - for candidates of political office - verily lawmakers -

- confers upon you -

- control -

- over lawmakers and the laws they write, they endorse, they authorize - ?


In fact -

- candidacies are as paid for as laws written by profiteers disguised as lawmaker drafted proposals of bills and policies and laws - voted upon - by the very lawmakers whose candidacies are paid for by the very profiteers who write such lawsendorsed and authorized by the very lawmakers who depend on the very profiteers, without whose generous financing - candidates for political office wither in the dust of millions and billions expended by campaign war chests fortily intent on ensuring wins for their blatant investments in political props beholden to profiteers.


(If you paid - millions and billions - to finance the candidacies of aspiring lawmakers -

- would you forgive such sacrifices of wealth - as magnanimous favors sans strings attached -?

Or -

- would you expect -

-  tit for tat -

- in exchange for continuing to finance the candidacies of - lawmakers - for whom you paved lavish paths towards election and award of political offices and seats of governance - ?)


Moreover -

- lawmakers not only write, endorse, authorize laws -

- lawmakers also - appoint profiteers -

- to positions of power and influence - including, enacting the highest oversight and regulation across industries, executing the highest diplomacy and negotiation across societies, enforcing the highest law and security of the land, etc. -

Whereby -

- tit for tat -

- with the highest offices of the land at stake, millions and billions of monetary remuneration at stake, the longest reach across borders of nations and boardrooms of corporations at stake, fame and glory and immemorial perpetuity at stake -

- is far more than irresistible -

- it's how power and control -

- is exercised -

- to advantage the powerful at the expense of the easily controlled. 


As for your power - ?

- your vaunted choice -

- your vaunted side -

- your vaunted vote -

that's the illusion sold to the easily controlled.


Ideal governments - are not bad - prima facie -

Because ideal governments - ensure rights and liberties, freedoms and permissions, laws and responsibilities, etc. - per mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. - that abbreviate (vis a vis institutionalization, etc.) complex and mundane contracts between peoples within societies into norms (vis a vis institutionalization, etc.) that are agreed upon by such peoples within such societies - (as well as laws) -

However -

Governments warped and perverted by greed and self interest -

Inexorably - deprive rights and liberties, banish freedoms and permissions, reject laws and responsibilities - per privilege, entitlement, accountability avoidanceblamelessness, etc. -

Until such governments devolve into tools of crats (aristocrats, plutocrats, autocrats, technocrats, etc.) - that crats exploit - to not only further greed and self interest, but to legally evade accountability and responsibility -

Such that - mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. - are reduced to fantasies of idealism - rather than advanced and championed as real aspirations of noble societies of e pluribus unum -

- M.



Ideal governments are not necessarily societies of socialism -

As societies of democracies, republics, etc. AND societies of socialism, communism, etc. - have been, are, and will be - warped and perverted by greed and self interest -

So long as greed and self interest - are virtues of peoples and societies -

No government of peoples and societies will ever truly exemplify the noble aspirations of mutuus et aequum, vivo et liber, etc. -

- M.